If you're having trouble paying your bill in full, you could be eligible for a payment arrangement.
Based on your balance of $PayArrangEligibleBalanceAmt below is your payment arrangement amount.
Monthly Bill
Payment Arrangement Amount
Total Bill Due
If this option doesn't work for you, click here to customize your own payment arrangement to meet your needs.
Reminder: Monthly Bill + Payment Arrangement Amount = Total Bill Due
If you are paying with a credit card, there is a limit of $4,000 per transaction and/or per month for residential customers and a limit of $10,000 per transaction and/or per month for business customers. If this amount is above the limit, please use an alternate payment method by paying with your savings or checking account.
Amount Paid to Date |
( Remaining)
Your balance is $0.00, please select your payment terms below.
According to our records you have defaulted on a previous payment arrangement or you're on Budget Billing.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded initiative that helps qualifying households with heating and cooling costs.
Confirmation number:
Confirmation email has been sent to: Empty Field
Note: Easily track your payment arrangement progress in My Account.
Your due date has been extended from Empty Field to Empty Field
Confirmation number 1232141443
Confirmation email has been send to Customer@alliant.com
Note: If you want to simplify, enroll in Automatic Payment to have your bill automatically paid each month using your preferred payment method.
We’re unable to process your request. Please call us at 1-800-255-4268 for assistance.
You're not eligible for a payment extension. However, you may qualify for a payment arrangement.